Sar - A global waste management partner





Who are we?

SAR is a top-tier, global waste management partner and service provider.

Our extensive presence enables us to process large volumes of waste with short lead times, and our flexibility allows us to offer ad-hoc solutions for our clients.

We offer customers a total solution for Waste Chain Management (WCM®) for the treatment and handling of all types of waste. We turn waste in to reusable resources, creating a circular economy which is in line with UN goal #12 "Responsible Consumption and production".


Sustainability  Management

'The green transition'

The world is going through a transition towards a greener and more environmentally sustainable society. As a provider of Waste Chain Management services to our customers, SAR takes our responsibility very seriously to contribute to this transition.

We aim to ensure that waste management is carried out safely throughout the value chain: from the waste being produced by the customer, to being managed by us in SAR - to its final disposal.

We will prioritise sustainability in all the choices we make. This applies to both procurement, chemicals, equipment, energy consumption and carriers, emissions, and waste. We shall ensure the best possible use of resources and contribute to a minimal environmental impact, both internally and with our customers and partners.

Located near the customers

We are strategically located along the Norwegian coast from Stavanger in the south to Hammerfest in the north. Our customers range from the private and the public sector to the oil and gas industry, both onshore and offshore. Experiences gained over a decade of serving the Norwegian waste marked has provided us with a solid foundation for continuous expansion, development and investment, also in our International Operations.


Turning waste to value

Being among Norway’s leading providers of waste handling services, SAR AS dedicates a significant amount of time, energy and resources to ensure we stay on top of our game, regarding both technologies and service scope. As a result, the list of products and services offered to our clients and partners continues to grow.

We always employ the Best Available Technology (BAT) and Best Environmental Practice (BEP).

A vital part of our operations is offering our clients training and counselling to minimize waste and efficiently make decisions on how waste should be sorted and handled.

Every aspect well covered

Our mission is more important then ever

Turning waste to value

SAR vision and values








One team shaping the future of safe, circular waste solutions.

A journey of adventures

When SAR first started operations back in 1987, our range and scope were limited.

Some 30 years later, our recycling and recovery specialists now offer a full range of services, commonly trademarked under our Waste Chain Management (WCM®) brand.

We focus primarily on hazardous waste fractions and drilling waste from the petroleum industry, and our extensive presence and experience enables us to offer counseling, handling and processing at our own facilities.


The SAR History

Code of Conduct forsidebilde

Corporate Social Responsibility

SAR AS is committed to meeting the highest standards of corporate citizenship by protecting the health and safety of our employees, by safeguarding the environment and by creating a long-lasting positive impact on the communities where we do business.


Our Ethics
  • We conduct our business to the highest standards of business and personal integrity as detailed in our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.
  • We respect the law and regulations in countries where we operate.
  • We are committed to transparency and good governance. We believe in fair and honest competition and we will combat corruption and promote the rule of law.
  • We endorse and respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
  • We endorse and implement international voluntary initiatives designed to protect the environment and human rights, including the United Nations Global Compact and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.
  • We expect our contractors and suppliers to respect our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and related policies, or to adopt equivalent standards, and to train their employees accordingly.
Our Communities
  • We conduct Environmental and Social Impact Assessments to identify and understand the potential social, cultural and environmental impact of operations prior to new projects and investments.
  • We collaborate with host governments, civil society, businesses and other stakeholders to make lasting contributions to social development, especially in the areas of education, environmental protection and health.
  • We are committed to respecting all human rights where we operate.
  • We seek to minimize any negative environmental, health and safety impact on our host communities as a result of our operations.
Our People
  • We support the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
  • We do not permit the employment of under-age children in our workforce or the use of forced or compulsory labour in any of our global operations.
  • We are committed to diversity and provide equal employment opportunities to all employees and job applicants regardless of race, colour, sex, age, sexual orientation, creed, national origin or disability.
  • We do not tolerate any form of workplace harassment including sexual harassment of an employee or employment candidate.
  • We recognize and respect our employees’ right to join associations and choose representative organizations for the purpose of engaging in collective bargaining in a manner that is consistent with applicable laws, rules, regulations and local customs.
  • We are committed to providing challenging and rewarding career opportunities to ensure that we have a skilled, capable and energized workforce.
  • We provide learning opportunities for employees to maximize their potential and ensure that the company achieves its business objectives.
  • The health and safety of our employees and neighbours is a paramount concern. Our Environment, Health and Safety policy addresses these areas in greater detail.

SAR AS routinely monitors, assesses and reports on our conformity with this policy. We require all employees to comply with this Policy and related directives and policies. We are working to ensure that our contractors and suppliers respect this policy.


Read more about our Code of Conduct here!

Career Opportunities in SAR

Career Opportunities

Do you want to join us in turning waste to value?

Read about career opportunities in SAR.


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Where can you find us?

We are strategically located along the Norwegian coast from Stavanger in the south to Hammerfest in the north, and Kuwait in the Middle East. Our customers are mainly oil and gas related. The experience we have gathered from Norwegian operations has provided us with a solid foundation for continued expansion, development and investment in our International Operations.


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