SAR Sustainability






Sustainability is the core of our foundation. We recognise that every resource has a life cycle. The goal is to minimise the volume of waste generated and rather retain the resource for as long as possible through its lifecycle. Further by optimizing recycling of the resource and energy recovery we ensure that our customers reduce their environmental footprint

The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.  The 17 goals address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. 

SAR support the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with emphasis on these 6 areas:

Greenhouse gas Emission Report

Download the latest Climate Emission Report from SAR. This report covers emission data connected to Service, Treatment and Logistics activity from SAR in Norway.

Download Climate Emission Report

Download PwC Attestation Report


Earlier versions

Good health and well-being

We aim to ensure that waste management is carried out safely throughout the value chain: from the waste being produced by the customer, to being managed by us in SAR - to its final disposal. No work-related illness or personal injuries shall occur.We will work together to create positive and healthy attitudes and activities, both internally and with our partners.

Sustainability Goal SAR - Good health and well-being-1

Quality Education

We facilitate lifelong learning. Hence, we need to ensure the appropriate expertise for our various operations and give our employees the opportunity for growth and development. We must actively offer good advice to our customers and partners, and we need to provide the training needed to ensure sustainable solutions throughout the value chain.

Sustainability Goal SAR - Quality Education-1

Decent work and economic growth

We must ensure good opportunities for all our employees. We will work together for equality, and establish a positive and sustainable working environment which properly preserve labor rights. We will promote that SAR = Safety Accountability Respect.We must ensure sustainable economic growth to be able to advance even further in an environment-friendly direction

Sustainability Goal SAR - Decent work and economic growth-2

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

We strive to be innovative and to develop a solid infrastructure together with our customers, suppliers and other partners. WCM (Waste Chain Management) should be our distinctive hallmark. This includes a sustainable value stream, logistics and digitalization. We will develop new business models to ensure a sustainable transition towards a circular economy.

Sustainability Goal SAR - Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Responsible Consumption and Production

We will prioritise sustainability in all the choices we make. This applies to procurement, chemicals, equipment, energy consumption and carriers, emissions and waste. We shall ensure the best possible use of resources and contribute to a minimal environmental impact, both internally and with our customers and partners. We aim to ensure sustainable and balanced income and distribution of costs between SAR and our partners.

Sustainability Goal SAR - Responsible Consumption and production-1

Partnerships for the goals 

We will have a strong focus on collaboration in order to achieve our goals. We need to be the driving force in various forums and work together with our customers and suppliers, the authorities, the industry and the local community in our search for favorable sustainable solutions. In SAR, we believe that challenges can only be solved by collaboration throughout the supply chain. We will strive to ensure that contracts do not compromise with sustainability.

Sustainability Goal SAR - Partnerships for the goals-1